"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Some of My Larger Projects
It all comes down to family!
This was my by far the most complicated project I had attempted. It's made from walnut. It was from a plan found in Wood Magazine. Given to my daughter and son-in-law on their wedding day, August 2010.
My first 'original' piece. Actually a conglomeration of three different plans, plus a couple of extra features, such as the raised panels from the bookcase and a lock with a full mortise. Give to my son and his new wife on their first anniversary, November of 2011. Walnut and cherry. Cedar lined.
Made from a U-Build-It plan. Walnut throughout. Finished in June of 2011. The bottom rail showcases the brass nameplates of each of the grandkids that have used it. Three so far. One on the way! And still there is room for more!!
This is from a plan found in Wood Magazine. Other than the slats at the bottom, not a straight edge on the piece. It was the first real work I did with a bandsaw that was given to me by the family of Jim Shipman. Cherry and maple are the primary woods, with a little bit of walnut for accent. Given to our granddaughter, Kam, for Christmas 2012.
Given to my oldest son and his wife for their wedding, June of 2013. My design and my first use of Sketchup as a drawing program. Walnut and cherry. I found a special hinge that extends the support rails as the desk lid is lowered.
Video Gallery
Some highlights of the process of a plan coming together. Thank you to Dennis Jernigan for allowing me to use the song "I Bless You." The song may be purchased here.
Just for fun.
A Christmas present for my grandson, Ben. Adapted from a set of plans purchased from The Winfield Collection.
Christmas 2019 meant two gifts for two grandchildren! Jed's gifts were from plans found in Wood Magazine. The case is my own design.
Blake's present is the second Christmas present for 2019. It's an upgrade of a gift I made my daughter many, may years ago with a set of plans from Sun Designs.
This is the last of my presents for my grandchildren. This is copied from another product, with a few design elements of my own. Merry Christmas Will!